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Showing posts from July, 2019

Do you know how the world was created?

The Indigenous people of Australia told a story of how everything on Earth was asleep. The Father of All Souls was the only one who had awakened and awakened Mother Sun. He commanded him to come down and give life to all forms of Earth, plants, insects, caves and everything else. The Father of All Souls was pleased with the work of Mother Sun. Later, this gave birth to two children, the Breakfast Star and the Moon. These were born children who would later become the offspring of mankind. The legend of Heliopolis This legend comes from ancient Egypt. He says that in the beginning, there was only one chaotic water called the Nun. The sun god Ra appeared from a lotus flower and gave light to the Universe. Ra created Shu, the god of the air, and Tefnut, the goddess of tame. These two gave birth to the goddess of heaven Nut and the god of Earth, Geb. From them the physical world took shape. The legend of the Maya In the Mayan culture, Tepe the creator and Gucumatzi, the feathered soul, cr...

The cow will remain the largest mammal on Earth, learn why?

Cows may remain the largest mammals on earth in a few centuries, according to a new study examining the extinction of large mammals as humans populate every corner of the globe. The spread of mankind and associated species like Neanderthals from Africa thousands of years ago coincided with the extinction of megafauna such as mammoths, toothed tigers, and gliptodon, a creature similar to armadillon but the size of a car. "Humans targeted large species of meat, while smaller creatures like rodents escaped," the report said, examining the trend over 125,000 years. In North America, the average body mass of mammals has been reduced to 7.6 kg from 98 kg when people arrived. If the trend continues, the largest mammal above ground in a few hundred years, could be a tamed cow of about 900 kg, the researchers write. This means that elephants, giraffes and hippopotamus will be lost. In March, the last white male rhinoceros on earth died in Kenya. However, other reports cast doubt on ...

This is the secret of the orientation of a traveling pigeon

Traveling pigeons have long served as long-distance secret messenger senders. Traveling pigeons were later replaced by other messaging tools, such as telex, telegram, and in the new era of telephone and internet. Pigeons have been sending messages, mostly messages written over very long distances, from one state to another. But how is it possible for a bird to know the correct orientation and find the address? The dove can fly without resting about 1000 km. It is not programmed like today's GPS through classic orientation. In whatever country you leave a pigeon it will still be reoriented to find the home, or just its owner. The main orientation of a pigeon is the sun, while its orientation becomes more difficult when there is no sun. Another important orientation is the magnetic fields. If you put a dove in a small iron and wooden lodge, the orientation will be easier when in the wooden house. It is assumed, according to some studies of American scientists, that the brain of a p...

Why is family important?

While we are young, the family is the cornerstone of our basic needs: it is our first information to get to know the world. The family teaches us to think about ourselves and others. Also, our emotional foundations depend on how parents treat us, and what messages we receive from their behavior. Children are convinced that everything parents say is true and true. When the parent makes a judgment about the child's core value, that thought becomes a fact in the child's consciousness. If parents tell their children that they are good, valuable, and loving, then they will form positive and confident thoughts. They will treat others well, because they will find that they deserve it. However, if parents' behavior is negative towards their children considering them worthless, then those children will harmonize their lives with such negative thoughts. The negative beliefs that children create about themselves continue to persist into adulthood. For example, these negative self-t...

Acid rain is a type of rain or any other form of precipitation that has an unusual level of acidity

Which means it has a high level of hydrogen ions (low pH). It can cause harmful effects on plants, aquatic animals and infrastructure. Acid rain is caused by the emission of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide, which interact with water molecules in the atmosphere and create acids. Since the 1970s, governments have made efforts to lower the level of sulfur dioxide released into the atmosphere, achieving positive results. Nitrogen oxides can be produced naturally by lightning strikes while sulfur dioxide from volcanic eruptions. Chemicals in acid rain can cause paint to be removed, corrosion of steel structures on bridges and erosion of stone statues.  Formation of acid rain Creating acid rain Due to the release of acidic gases into the atmosphere and their solubility in raindrops, it then collapses into such acidic soil. In normal rain conditions there is a small amount of acidity. This rate depends on the amount of CO2 dissolved in it, as well as small amounts of chlorine. By standar...

Is smoking haram in Islam?

Many Muslims consider tobacco to be Makruh (something unpopular or hateful) according to the Shari'ah, but not Haram (forbidden). Whenever you give any advice about this look, they choose to ignore it. Although people are aware of the ill effects of tobacco, it seems that Satan and their nephew want them to continue to cause harm to their bodies and health. Certainly cigarettes were not present during the life of the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.v.s.), however, in both revelations: in the Qur'an and the authentic Sunnah (hadith) there are decisions and messages regarding similar substances. As a rule, the Qur'an forbids all that is evil. Says Allaah the Exalted: "He (the Prophet Muhammad) permits them all that is good and lawful and forbids all that is evil." (Qur'an, Al-A'raf: 157) Evil and sin manifest themselves in things, beliefs, persons, foods, drinks, etc. So, if smoking proves to be among the bad things, then this alone is enough for believers to unders...

Is the tattoo haram?

Answer: Praise be to Allah alone, praise and peace be upon Muhammad ... The tattoo is a permanent mark or drawing on the skin that is injected through the needles under the superficial layer of skin. Most often, "tattoo artists" use a hand machine that acts like a sewing machine, with one or more needles piercing the skin continuously. With each puncture, the needles release color. The health damages he can cause are many, such as allergic reactions, various skin infections and blood diseases, including hepatitis B, hepatitis C, tetanus and HIV, the AIDS-causing virus (AIDS). However, even if it were not the cause of those diseases, the tattoo is haram because it changes and interferes with the creation of Allah, who gave man the most beautiful form. Although tattooing is a growing fad, it is a primitive act that people have done in ancient times, while Islam forbade it from this ugly and not flattering act (in my opinion), hence the Prophet, sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sall...

How Important Is Physical Activity?

Physical activity is a necessity and if done regularly it becomes an important tool for improving overall physical, mental and mental health as well as greatly reducing the risk for people's chronic illnesses. People who are more active in their daily lives are less likely to be affected by various diseases. Physical activity is a necessity and if done regularly it becomes an important tool for improving overall physical, mental and mental health, and greatly reduces the risk for chronic human illnesses, say health promotion specialists at the Albanian Public Health Institute . The specialist of this institute, Jeta Lakrori brings facts about the connection between physical activity and health, explaining that regular physical activity helps maintain a healthy body. "People who are physically active have a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, stroke, type 2 diabetes, breast and intestinal cancer, osteoporosis and depression. They have a lower risk of ...

Do you know why salt is spilled when snow blocks roads?

Heavy snowfall has brought about a blockage of vehicle traffic. Roads are blocked, and maintenance companies have found the ideal solution. But do you know why salt is used to unlock snow roads? It is worth noting that salt causes the ice to melt. This is because when salt is added to ice, it is put into contact with the thin layer of water on the surface. When ice and water are in contact, there is an exchange between two different states of water, liquid and solid. Some of the ice molecules break off and pass into water, and the opposite happens with water molecules. After the salt is melted in water, the number of water molecules adhering to the ice increases rapidly. This contact lowers the melting temperature (point) below normal. Consequently, the ice in contact with the salt dissolves and thus creates another layer of water starting the cycle from the beginning. The more concentrated the salt, the lower the freezing temperature of the ice.

These are the 15 reasons why Muslims do not eat pork

The fact that pork consumption is banned in Islam is already known, but the following points explain the reasons and aspects of this ban: 1) A pig is a real waste bin. Eat everything, including excrement, decomposed meats or rotten vegetables. They also eat the carcinogenic masses of animals. 2) The meat and fat of a pig absorbs the toxins like a sponge. Their meat may be up to 30 times more toxic than beef or deer meat. 3) When eating beef or venison, it takes 8 to 9 hours to digest in our body, so the toxins have all the time possible to filter out of the liver. But when eating pork it only takes about 4 hours to digest. We can thus obtain a much higher level of toxins within a short time. 4) Unlike other mammals, a pig does not sweat. Sweat is a product that removes toxins from the body. Because a pig does not sweat, toxins remain inside his body and in the flesh. 5) Pigs and piglets are so poisonous that it is very difficult to kill them with striken or other poisons. 6) Farme...

Why 'Wherefore Art Thou Romeo' Mean?

O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo? Because of the base word where , modern ears often interpret this line as asking the question: “Where are you, Romeo?” In fact, it’s asking, “Why are you Romeo?” The following line gives us a clue: Deny thy father and refuse thy name. Since what kept the lovers apart was their feuding families, they could be together without impediments if he had a different name. Why was he Romeo? (Indeed, a few lines later, Juliet asks, “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose/By any other name would smell as sweet.”) The fact is, adding prepositions to where was an unusually productive way to make words in English. In these compounds, where meant “what” or “which,” so that, for example, whereon meant “on what” and wherein meant “in what”—and wherefore meant “for what,” or “why.” Shakespeare used it in other plays as well: But wherefore do you droop? why look you sad? —Shakespeare, King John, Act 5, Scene 1 Wherefore was I born? ...


Why why adverb for what cause, reason, or purpose why did you do it? why conjunction the cause, reason, or purpose for which why noun wants to know the whys and wherefores why interjection used to express mild surprise, hesitation, approval, disapproval, or impatience Synonyms for why Synonyms: Noun account , authority , grounds , motive , reason , subject , wherefore Synonyms: Interjection ah , aha , come on , fie , indeed , my word , ...